My story
Hello Im Kerry, founder of Soul to Soles Reflexology. Trained in Reflexology level 3 and Physiology Anatomy & Pathology Level 3. I offer female focused reflexology treatments from my garden based wooden retreat which is nestled amongst the leafy trees of beautiful Bournville, Birmingham.
I had never had reflexology until it found me in 2021. That first treatment stopped the clocks, paused the to-do lists and started a conversation within me. My mind, body and soul started to reconnect. That night and the nights that followed I slept better than I had in months. Reflexology started a transformational journey of self discovery for me and the effects it had on me were nothing short of profound. One day I thought, could I train in this and provide this healing space for other women? So here I am. If you are looking for a holistic practice to become a regular part of your self care routine then please contact me and together we'll get your well deserved “you time” booked in.
The Benefits of reflexology are endless. It promotes deep relaxation allowing you to pause and breathe in the moment. Soul to Soles can offer you a healing haven during times of grief, anxiety, stress or depression. Reflexology can help calm and soothe the body by removing tension emotionally, physically and mentally. Whether you turn to this treatment after a long day, a tough week, post illness, as part of a detox or during times of personal turmoil I can wholeheartedly say reflexology will help you to mentally and physically let go and find peace in the present.