The Wild
Mother nature is a magnificent teacher. What a beautiful thought provoking education we receive everyday just by witnessing the world around us. The seasons encourage us to blossom, create, let go, hibernate and be still. Like the seasons we are growing and transitioning all year long.
The sun shows us the importance of rising and allowing ourselves to shine our light every single day regardless of what is going on in the world. Our contributions big or small matter. The trees stand there tall and strong encouraging us to grow too. The moon dazzles us every night displaying that phases are an inevitable part of life and if you allow yourself time and space to float through the transition eventually you become whole and home to yourself once more. The poofy, powdery clouds play and create shape littered skyscapes, before filling up and letting go, the rains cascade cleansing and nourishing as they bounce to the ground. Silvery snow envelopes everything it touches in a glistening blanket allowing silent stillness to descend before icy play. The seas call out to our wild and vivacious nature, inspiring us to make waves and take up space before slowing down and ebbing towards the shore, bare feet planted in the sand, we feel grounded as the wind whistles around us, moving our hair, and our souls, willing us to inhale deep breaths into the parts of ourselves we have not yet witnessed, allowing a meditative pause before an acoustic exhale back into the wild.
Discomfort can arise when we resist growth and change. We’re not ready, there's too much to do, it feels too scary to go there, so we ignore and we busy ourselves with everything else. If our pie charts of life are sliced with the things we do for others far outweighing the things we do for ourselves if we do anything at all, then we run the risk of feeling unseen, overwhelmed, exhausted and stuck.
Rather than hurtle towards burnout why don't we start today by listening in to the nature around us and to ourselves? By inviting more pleasure into our lives and doing things we enjoy just for fun we will witness more connection to our true wildness and who we came here to be.
Inner Peace & Warm Wishes